"A Point of Difference"
Consultants Specializing In Restaurant Start-Ups & Profit Improvement
Creative Culinary Consultants
24441 Via San Clemente
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
ph: 949.510.0675
The insights, real world knowledge and operational friendly creativity that Creative Culinary provided was a blessing. I highly recommend them.
Tim Soufan - V.P of Culinary Development Friday's Restaurants
We have used Creative Culinary for the past seven years. They have provided us with industry insights, trend direction as well as unigue, flavorful and targeted product development.
Randy Fritchie - President Fosters Freeze
Creative Culinary has acted as Good Times R&D Department for the past 5 years. The successes we have experienced are directly related to the efforts of Creative Culinary. We have realize double digit increases inpart to their efforts.
Bob Turrill - V.P. of Marketing Good Times Restaurants
Creative Culinary Consultants
24441 Via San Clemente
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
ph: 949.510.0675